Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunrise Shell

I've been working on a Christmas commission, so I can't show you what I've been doing. At least not yet. LOL So, here's a shell I did immediately after I watched the sun rise across the Point in OBX while Brent surf fished. The colors were absolutely amazing, and I'll have to do something with the pictures I took that day too. But for now, here's the shell.

Sunrise Shell

This is 8" x 6" Derwent Drawing Pencils on Strathmore paper and is available for $75.00. I will add it to my website soon.

Until next week y'all, take care.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love's Magic

Thank you so much for all your kind words. I received a wonderful poem dedicated to Love that I would love to share with you, and with it I'm reposting Into the Kingdom with a few tweaks here and there recommended by my youngest. I will miss her forever.

Love's Magic

When you left me, my heart brok
e in two,
A half for me, a half for you.
That half I will keep forever in my heart,
Wishing and wishing we didn't have to part.

The pictures I will keep
In memory of you.
So big, so nice,
And wonderful to view.

The time has come for me to let you go
My love for you continues to show.

We'll meet again some day, it's just a questions of when,
But Never Where.

In the pictures your face and mine are a pair
So many good memories we both have to share.
I'll never forget you, not now or ever.

I think of you in every way
In the day's, week or years
The magic of Love will always be here.
-Author E.R.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Into The Kingdom

It's been a really tough week. We had to say goodbye to our 18hh Percheron mare, Love, despite 36 hours in the field fighting to get her back on her feet. I've been completely miserable and decided to my feelings into a piece. Art Therapy at it's best.

Into The Kingdom

It measures 24" x 18" on Mi Tientes paper.

Of course, it is available for $350. Prints are also available on my website.