Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Christmas Commission

Here's another commission done for Christmas. Since the family has no photos where both mom and dad look great in the same shot (you know how that goes, so often one just isn't ready when the shot is taken), the daughters went in on a portrait of their parents. They gave me several photos from which I created a beautiful portrait of the two of them together.

The Anderson's
Private Commission

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Now that the holiday's are over, I'm finally getting back to normal, and I can post those Christmas commissions. WAHOOO! This one is KC, a working rescue dog in Hagerstown, MD. She has a wonderful personality and an even more fantastic owner/trainer. These dogs are so impressive. I was honored to be chosen to create her portrait.

11" x 14"
Pastel on 300 lb paper
Obviously, she's not available, as she was commissioned.