Thursday, December 18, 2008

So Others Might Live

I received a letter in the mail yesterday that brought me to tears. It came from VirginiaTech to inform me that my vet, Rose Hill Veterinary Practice - Large Animal, made a monetary donation to the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in Lovey's name. This will be added to their Veterinary Memorial Fund which supports "scientific investigation into common, yet vexing, companion animal health problems". What a wonderful thing to do. It's just one more example of how much my vet cares about each and every animal it treats. I love Rose Hill.

I offer a very heartfelt Thank You to both Rose Hill and VMRCVM.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Deck The Stalls

Ok, I've been off for two weeks and still accomplished so little artwork. Still working on Christmas commissions. I hope to finish them this week so I can start to play again.

I love to create signs and things, so I decided to create a sign for my barn. I like the simplicity of it. However, instead of hanging it in my barn where no one will get to see it, I decided to hang it tomorrow at Royal Horseshoe Farm down the road where more people can enjoy it. I think it will be beautiful with a few sprigs or pine or cedar slipped through the twine between words. Of course, it's available for $50.00.

Acrylic on wood with twine, jingle bell, and horseshoes.
Measures about 20"w x 24" h.